Where can I find the Coming Soon Addendum?

The Coming Soon Addendum, which is a required addendum to the Listing Contract that needs to be attached to your Coming Soon listing in Matrix, can be found in several places:

1.  You may download it from the Resources menu of the public-facing SmartMLS website- https://smartmls.com/comingsoon/

2.  You may download it from the Forms section of the SmartMLS website- https://smartmls.com/forms/

3.  It is available through Instanet.  After logging into the SmartMLS website, click on Instanet/Transaction Desk and click the Forms icon (4th down on the left side of the screen):




Then, just type coming soon in the search field at the top right and it will come up.

It is also attached to this article.  Enjoy.

Once executed, you are required to upload the Addendum to your listing in Matrix through the Add/Edit tab .

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