Old phone number/email address still appears on listing


If you have gone into the Member Dashboard and changed your phone number or email address, but the old information is still showing on your listing, there is a quick way for you to force the new information to appear.

All you have to do is pull up the listing in Add/Edit, go to the Contract tab, scroll down to the Listing Agent and Office Information section and click Refresh (next to the List Agent's MLS ID field):


Remember to click Submit Listing when you are finished.

That will force Matrix to reload the personal information associated with the List Agent ID, and the changes you made should now appear on the screen.  


Note: in many instances, an office admin will start entering a listing for an agent under their own ID and then switch the list agent field to the actual agent's ID when they activate the listing.  If you are an admin that does this, please make sure to click the Refresh button after entering the correct list agent's ID.  If you do not refresh, it is possible that your phone number or email address may show up on the listing instead of the list agent's.

Should this happen to you, just pull up the listing in Add/Edit, go to the Contract tab and click refresh next to the list agent ID field.  The correct agent information will be pulled into the listing.
Remember to click Submit Listing when you are finished.

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