While TEMP and WITH are both technically temporary off market statuses, the length of time the listing will be in that status distinguishes them from each other.  There is no set time that a listing has to remain in either status.  You and your seller determine that based on their needs/desires.

  • Temporarily Off Market (TEMP) is designed to be for short, unexpected circumstances lasting 14 days or less (ex: someone is ill, there are repairs going on, etc.).

  • Withdrawn (WITH) is used for longer duration issues or if the seller has changed their mind and does not want to sell but is still under agreement.  When a listing is marked Withdrawn, there cannot be any advertising (including a sign) on the property.

In both instances (TEMP and WITH), there is still a valid listing contract.  However, listings in either status are not allowed to be shown, as they are in off market statuses.

If you bring a TEMP or WITH listing back on market (using the Change to Active form in Add/Edit), the property must be available to be shown immediately .  There is no 48-hour grace period as there is with a New listing.

As of June 9, 2021, a TEMP listing will automatically change to the WITH status after the 14th day in the TEMP status.

Related articles :

Listing Status Definitions

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