Use Expected Active Date field to activate INC listing in the future

When you are in Add/Edit, there is an Expected Active Date field on the Contract tab:EAD_field.jpg

That field is only for use when you are entering a Coming Soon listing.  The purpose of the field is to enter the date when the listing is supposed to automatically switch from Coming Soon to Active.  This is reflective of a field that is on the Coming Soon Addendum and is part if the listing's contract.

You cannot use this field to automatically activate an Incomplete listing sometime in the future.  Incomplete listings can only be switched from INC to Active by manually pulling that listing up in Add/Edit, entering all contractual information (list date, list price, etc.) that were blanked out when you saved the listing as INC and clicking Submit Listing.  There is no process whereby you can set an INC listing to automatically switch to Active on a certain date.

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