Voluntary listings

The following types of listings are voluntary (not required to be entered onto the MLS):

  1. Business for Sale or Lease.
  2. Commercial/Industrial for Sale or Lease.

Here is how it is spelled out in the SmartMLS Rules and Regulations:

Section 4.1.2 Voluntary Property Listings
Listings of real or personal property of the following types, taken by Participants on a Listing Agreement, may be Filed with the Service after all necessary signatures of the Seller have been obtained on the Listing Agreement. Regardless of the date the listing is Filed with the MLS, the date on which the listing agreement is signed by all parties is the list date to be used on the listing. With the exception of vacant lots, acreage, business opportunities for sale or exchange and/or properties not yet built, where there is no address assigned by the town, Voluntary Property Listings must include a valid address: 

a) Business opportunities for sale or exchange Commercial income property for sale or exchange (including residential buildings of five or more units) (Updated 2/19) 

(b) Industrial property for sale, lease or exchange 

(c) Only Listings of the designated types of property located within the state of Connecticut set forth in Section 4.1 above are required to be submitted to the service. Listings of property located outside the state of Connecticut if the Participant holds a valid real estate license in the state the property is located in or non-mandatory property listings will be accepted if submitted voluntarily by a Participant but, cannot be required by the Service. (Updated 2/19)


*** Please note: although these property types are not mandatory, once a listing has been entered for any of them, all rules apply as if they were mandatory listings.  This includes, but is not limited to: uploading the Listing Agreement/Listing Agreement Compliance Certification, photo requirements, ability to be actively shown, timely reporting of status changes, etc.  Additionally, the list date on the listing must match the original paperwork. ***


Listings for all other property types (residential properties) are required to be entered into the SmartMLS Matrix system, per Section 4.1.1 of the Rules and Regulations:

Section 4.1.1 Mandatory Property Listings
Listings of the following types of property located within the Service’s Service Area as defined in
its Certificate of Incorporation taken by Participants on an Exclusive Right to Sell/Rent or
Exclusive Agency to Sell/Rent Listing contract shall, in accordance with these Rules and
Regulations, be input into the Service System within forty-eight (48) hours after all necessary
signatures of Seller(s) and Participant, or his/her authorized agent, have been obtained (the
“Deadline for Filing”). With the exception of properties where there is no address assigned by the
town or properties not yet built, Mandatory Property Listings must include a valid address:
(a) Single family homes, condominiums, townhouses, co-ops, mobile homes for sale, lease
or exchange
(b) Vacant lots and acreage for sale lease or exchange
(c) Two-, three-, and four-family residential buildings for sale, lease or exchange
(d) Residential rental properties
All listings of Secondary Participants and Subscribers for which they are identified as the listing
agent and where the listings fall under the Mandatory Property Listings requirements identified

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