I am a photographer- How do I add photos or virtual tours?

If a SmartMLS subscriber has invited you into our Matrix system so that you can upload photos and/or virtual tours to their listings on their behalf, here is a checklist of important information:

  • You can access Matrix by going to www.smartmls.com and clicking the Login button in the upper right corner.
  • As a photographer, you will have very limited access to Matrix. You will not be able to search the MLS or use any other Matrix features.
  • In order to manage photos or virtual tours on a listing, the list agent must add you to the listing as their authorized photographer. This is done on an individual listing basis.
  • When you have been added to a listing, it will appear in the My Listings widget after you log into Matrix:


  • Clicking Photographer Requests will show you all of the Active listings to which you have access. Photographer Incompletes displays the Incomplete listings that you can access.  Regardless of the link you click, you can then select the desired listing:


  • Edit will bring you into a screen that gives you access to both photos and virtual tours:


    • Photographers Virtual Tour Input allows you to add/edit virtual tours for this listing.
      There are three different Virtual Tour fields on the page.  The first two directly correspond to the Matrix system and any sort of branding is strictly forbidden here.  The third virtual tour field is specifically designed to be included in the syndication feed to downstream/public-facing sites.  Virtual tours with branding are allowed in this field.


      Remember to click Submit Listing when you're done adding the URL(s) on this screen.
  • *****************
    • Manage Photos will bring you directly into the photos section.


Click the Browse button to search your hard drive for the photos you want.

To select more than one photo, hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard while you click the files you want. Click Open when you are done and it will bring the selected photos back into the Manage Photos screen for you.

Click Certify and Save when you are done.

There is a limit of 40 photos per listing.  Photos have to be in jpg format and no larger than 20mb per photo.

As you upload photos, look right beneath the Browse button to see exactly how many more photos you can upload before you reach the 40 photo maximum:


iPhone photos are not recommended, as there is a known issue where they become rotated when viewed on Apple devices.

As an authorized photographer, you are required to adhere to all of the guidelines surrounding the upload of photos and virtual tours.

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