Do I need to upload a Photo License Agreement?

When entering a listing, you are required to select one of the following options in the Photographs Taken By field:


The selection you make determines whether or not you must also upload a photo license agreement before Matrix will allow you to save the listing as Coming Soon or Active.

  1. MLS Verified Photographer - A photographer who is a member of the SmartMLS Verified Photographer Network has taken the photos. MLS Verified Photographers are assigned an ID which should be entered in the designated field. No additional paperwork is required.
  2. Seller* - The homeowner has taken the photos and must sign an agreement granting permission to use the photos. The agreement must be uploaded to the listing as a private supplement.
  3. Self - The listing agent has taken the photos. This option does not require a separate supplement to be uploaded.
  4. Other* - Anyone other than the listing agent, seller, or an MLS verified photographer has taken the photos. A photo license agreement must be uploaded to the listing as a private supplement.
  5. Broker Authorized Photographer** - This option will only be available to agents whose office has a master agreement filed with the MLS and applies when a photographer in agreement with brokerage has taken the photos. No additional paperwork is required.

* Requires a photo license agreement be uploaded to the listing as a Private-Photo License before you’re able to activate the listing.

** You will only see this option in Add/Edit if you belong to an office that has a master agreement on file with SmartMLS.

Related articles :

Upload Supplements (Listing Agreement, Disclosures, etc.) to your listing

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