How is listing volume calculated?


Within our Matrix system, listing volume is calculated using the following equation:

Volume = 2(Sale Price x Agent %)

You would then add the volumes for each listing together to calculate total volume. (V1 + V2 + V3 + etc… = Total Volume)


Agent percentage is assigned based on the agent’s role in the transaction.

List alone = 50%

List with Co-Listing Agent = 25%

Co-Listing Agent = 25%

Sell alone = 50%

Sell with Co-Selling Agent = 25%

Co-Selling Agent = 25%


If the agent has more than one side to the deal you would add the percentages together before calculating volume.

Ex. List Alone & Sell Alone = 100%

Co-Listing Agent & Sell Alone = 75%

Co-Listing Agent & Co-Selling Agent = 50%


Note : Matrix calculates volume for Agents, Teams and Offices separately. Each is independent of the others and has no bearing on their calculations. Adding a Team#, for instance, has no impact on the Agent or Office volume calculations. In actuality, it allows for a greater understanding of the parties responsible for facilitating the transaction.



Related articles :

Team volume calculations

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