Change how listings are sorted

You can change the sort order of any field from Ascending to Descending by clicking the Field name in the column headers at the top of the Single Line Display.

You can also set a custom sort order for your results screen by clicking Refine > Sort from the results screen.

On the Sort Results screen, you will see the current sort order in the Sort Fields column on the right.  

You can click on one of those fields to highlight it, and then click the Up or Down buttons to change it within the sort order.  

If there is another field that you would prefer to sort on that is not already in the list, you may use the Available Fields column on the left to select it.  When you find it, double click it to add it to the Sort Fields column, and then move it to its desired location in the list.

Once you are back on the results screen you have two options (represented by the icons in the upper right of the display, beneath the Results tab) to save this sort order as a default:

1. The first is the Manage Display option .  You can use this icon to save the current display (including fields you have added/removed/reordered and your custom sort order) as a custom version of the single line display by creating a custom name (ex. My Preferred Sort Order) and clicking Save a Copy.

This will allow you to access this new custom display (with your specified sort order) from any results screen in Matrix through the Display down down menu.

2. Your second option for saving this sort order is to set it as the default using the Set/Clear Defaults icon  and clicking the first option (Set current display, sort order and count per page as my Search starting default):

If you do this, your new sort order, listings per page, etc. will open up automatically whenever you view the results of your search.  

Note: the Market Watch and Hotsheets are not impacted by changing your default display.

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