Email online displays (Full, flyer, etc.) from Matrix (rather than Portal displays)

When you use the Email button in Matrix, your recipient will be able to see the listings in the Portal, but Portal displays are different than those you would see (Full, Flyer, Thumbnail, etc.) when you are actually logged into Matrix.


You can email the actual Matrix displays by using the Additional feature in the Display: line on the Email screen:



After you click Additional, you can choose from a list of all of the online displays you can normally access when you are using Matrix.


This will add that one additional display of your choosing to the Portal displays that the recipient would ordinarily access from a Matrix email.  


Another option: you can also use the Print to PDF button instead of the Email button.  

This allows you to save a snapshot of the display you are viewing and then you can open an email in your personal email program and attach that PDF to it.  This way you are bypassing the Portal and therefore not limited to the Portal displays.

The drawback to this is that, because it is a PDF display, it is not live, so none of the hyperlinks that are available to you in the online version of the display are clickable.  It is simply a snapshot of the display, saved as a PDF.

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