Hyperlinks in the Remarks sections

Hyperlinks are permissible in all three Remarks fields (Agent, Public and Addendum) provided the content is appropriate for that particular area.  For instance, you cannot link to a branded site in either the Addendum or Public Remarks fields.

Per SmartMLS Rules & Regulations:

Section 4.1.7 Listing Remarks, Sensitive and Regulated Data
 Listings Must be Complete and Accurate. Each Listing Filed with the Service must be
complete and accurate in every detail reasonably ascertainable by the Listing Broker/Agent.
Listing Data shall not be entered into the System in a manner that it is misleading to other
Participants or consumers.
 Restrictions on Company, Broker and Third Party Information in Listing Data,
Images and Virtual Tours. Any information, image or virtual tour that identifies or
provides contact information for the Listing Agency, Listing Agent, Seller or Third Party
Vendor, or provides a link to a web-page that identifies or provides contact information for
the Listing Agency, Listing Agent, Seller or Third Party Vendor shall appear only in data
fields specifically intended for that purpose. This restriction applies to, but is not necessarily
limited to, mailing, email and physical addresses, Internet (URLs), telephone numbers,
voicemail numbers, fax numbers and any information or image that could be used to identify
or contact the Listing Agency, Listing Agent, Seller or Third Party
 Restrictions on Promoting, Marketing or Offering Services and Products within
Listings. Information allowed in Listing Reports, on Photographs or contained in Virtual
Tours is restricted to information that describes the Listed Property, its amenities and the
neighborhood. No information that is intended to, or which could be construed to,
promote, market or offer any product or service, including but not limited to, home
inspections, mortgage services, appraisal services, relocation services, construction or
development services or the Participant’s or Subscriber’s real estate brokerage services
shall be included in Listing Reports, Photographs or Virtual Tours


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