User-defined map radius search control

The radius search functionality (within map searches) was enhanced with a Matrix upgrade that was implemented in early 2019.  Users are no longer forced to choose from a preset list of radius options (.25, .5, 1 mile, etc)- you can now enter your own custom radius size.

When you are on a search screen, the radius search is available in the Map Search section at the top center of the screen:

You can still use the drop down menu to select one of the system default radius sizes.  The enhanced radius search control functionality allows you to use the blank field to the right of the word Within to enter your own custom radius size:

Just type the distance (in miles) and then enter the address (center point) in the field to the right of the words miles of.  Matrix will then find all properties that match the other criteria on the search screen and are within the specified radius of the address you entered.

Related articles :

Radius search

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