Bathroom searches

There are a few different ways you can search for listings in Matrix based on the bathroom fields.  You can search based on Full, Partial or Total Baths:

The Full and Partial Baths fields are fairly straightforward.  You can enter an exact number (3) or a range (3-4, 2+) in either of them.  These fields will only accept whole numbers; they will not accept decimals or fractions.


Entering 2-3 in Full Baths will show you all listings that have either 2 or 3 Full Baths.

Entering 3+ in Half Baths will display only those listings that have 3 or more Half Baths.

Total Baths is a sum of all Full Baths and all Half Baths, where each bathroom counts equally as one individual entity.  For instance, if there is a property that has 3 Full and 2 Half baths, that property has 5 Total Baths (3+2).  

Example: a search for 5 Total Baths would yield any of the following:

5 Full, 0 Half

4 Full, 1 Half

3 Full, 2 Half

2 Full, 3 Half

1 Full, 4 Half

0 Full, 5 Half

Total Baths is similar to the Full and Half Bath fields in that you can enter an exact number (4) or a range (3-4, 4+) and that it will only accept whole numbers.

*** If you are using the Total Baths field in a search, it is not recommended to use either of the other two bathroom fields (Full or Partial) in the same search. ***



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