How to use INRIX Drive Time


Inrix Drive Time is a comprehensive traffic prediction tool that allows buyers to gauge their potential commute to and from work for a listing they are considering purchasing. You can enter a destination (ex: office address), a desired commute length (in minutes) and a time of day, and the resulting map will allow you to gauge if any prospective listings would fit into the desired commute time frame.

Using INRIX:

After you've done your search and have selected any listing(s) from the results, click on the Map tab in the upper right of the search screen.


INRIX is the little car/clock icon (at the beginning of the row of icons).  After you click the icon, you will see the following screen:

You can then enter an address (such as a business address) and select how many minutes you would like your drive to be to/from there at a specific time of day.  When you click the Add button it will draw a shaded area on the map that will illustrate where you could be and still make it to your destination in the given amount of time based on the time of day you have selected.

In the example above, the red dot represents a work address.  You could conceivably start your 15 minute commute from anywhere in the shaded area and arrive at that location at 8:15am.  The green icons represent all of your search results, with any blue checks representing listings you selected from those results.

*** The INRIX Drive Time icon is only available from the Map tab in Matrix. ***

Click here to watch an instructional video on using INRIX.

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