Hotsheet widget time frame


When you are running a Hotsheet from the widget on the Matrix home page, you have several different options for the time frame/days back within which you are looking for changes:



Since Last= see changes since the last time you ran the Hotsheet search.

This Session= see what has changed since you have been logged into Matrix.

24 Hour= see changes in the last 24 hours.

Today= see changes for the calendar day.

3 Day= see changes over the last 3 days.

7 Day= see changes over the past 7 days.

Custom= set up your own custom time frame.


For all options except Custom, simply choose your time frame and then click on the desired property type. The results page will come right up after you click on the property type.


For Custom, however, there is one additional step: after you select Custom and then your desired property type, you will get the following window:



  1. You can set a specific date range (but no more than 30 days in the past).
  2. You can set a specific time range (for the current day).
  3. Click Run.

The results page will display after you click Run.



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