Resend Welcome Email (Matrix auto emails)

When you create an auto email in Matrix, the recipient/Contact has to open the first email (known as the Welcome Email) and click on the link within it in order to activate their Portal and receive any future auto emails. Sometimes email filtering can get in the way here- the recipient's email filter will think the Matrix email is suspicious and move it from the Inbox to the Junk/Spam folder, so the recipient may not actually ever see the email.

Matrix allows you to resend the Welcome Email, in case your recipient (for whatever reason) did not see or open it when you first set up the auto email.

If you need to resend the Welcome Email, go to My Matrix> Auto Emails and click on the drop down arrow on the left side of the desired Contact's row.

Hint: you will also see a little green and white empty circle in their Status column, which indicates they have never clicked the link in the first email you sent them:


Click the Resend Welcome button to resend the Contact the initial/Welcome Email. After you send it, you may want to reach out to them separately and let them know that you have done so, and ask them to keep an eye out for the email (both in their Inbox and their Spam/Junk folder). Once they receive the email, they must open it and click on the link to the listings in order to activate their Portal and start receiving their scheduled auto emails.

Unfortunately, you only have the opportunity to click Resend Welcome one time. If you have resent the welcome email but your client still has not received it (and they have checked their Junk/Spam/Bulk mail folders), there is a workaround that allows you to replicate that initial email and allow the client to get all of the listings that were in the Welcome Email and continue to get new and updated listings going forward.

When you are in My Matrix> Auto Email and have the desired auto email expanded, click the Results button:


That will show you all of the listings that matched the client's search criteria at the time you initially created the Auto Email:


Click All (in the top left) to select all of the matches and then click Email at the bottom of the screen.
Fill out the email screen and click Send .

This will manually send all of the listings that were in the original Welcome Email. As long as the client receives this email and clicks the View All Listings link, their Matrix Portal will be activated and they will be all set to receive all future auto emails.

Related articles :

Adding Matrix emails to an allowed list in your email program

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