It is very possible that the numbers you get when running a Ranking Report will differ from those you get when running Quick Stats, even when you are working with the same group of Closed listings. The reason for this discrepancy is the Ranking Report is based off of a formula used to give credit to the List/Co-List and Sales/Co-Sales Agents in the transaction. If there are any closed transactions where there was a co-list agent, the Total Volume calculation in the Ranking Report will include 50% of the closed price of the listing, whereas it includes the entire (or 100%) closed price for listings where there is no co-list agent.
If you manually run a search for that same group of closed listings and then go to Stats>Tabular, the Sum for the Close Price column will give full credit for all closed listings, regardless of whether or not there was a co-list or co-sales agent in the transaction.
*** The two images in this article are run on the same group of 9 closed listings. They are intended to highlight the differences that can occur in the Closed Volume numbers, based on how the two different reports calculate these figures. Both reports are correct. ***
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