Custom Fields on Subject Property (Matrix CMA)

When you are working on the Subject tab of a Matrix CMA, there are around 30 fields that are there by default (a mix of address, features, dimensions and general fields).  There may be times where you would like to include other information about the subject property that is not covered by those default fields.

At the very bottom of the Subject tab fields, there is a Custom Fields section that allows you to include additional fields.  When you click one of the drop down arrows, you get the option to either (1) select from a list of other Matrix fields or (2) enter a feature that is not within the list of Matrix fields:


  1. If you want to use a field that is already in Matrix, put a check in the Link to a Matrix Field check box and then use the scroll bar to go through the list and select the desired field.  If there is corresponding data in Matrix for the field(s) you add (either from the listing you used to populate your Subject property or from the property's corresponding tax record), it will automatically be linked to your CMA.  If there is no data in the field, you can use the field to the right to enter it manually.
  2. If you want to use a feature not within the list of Matrix fields, just click in the Label field at the bottom of the window and enter the feature you want to include on your subject property.  Use the field to the right to enter the corresponding information for the field you've added.  This field will accept both numbers and text.

After you have added your custom fields, the bottom of the Subject tab will look like this:


The top field (Fire Pit) was one that was manually added.

The other three fields (attic, swimming pool and water source) were added by linking to an existing Matrix field.  You can see the little chain/link icon next to each of these fields (highlighted in orange).  If you know that any of these fields are not populated on your Subject property, you can manually enter the information using the field to the right.  You can also override the data that does populate from Matrix if it is outdated or incorrect.

You can see these custom fields on several pages within the CMA (Price Adjustments, 3-Up Comparison w/Subject).

Related articles :

Matrix CMA video

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