If you need to search for listings on more than one street at a time, you can enter multiple street names in the Street Name field (separated by commas):
There is also a More button beneath the Zip Code field in the Search by Address section of the search screen that allows you to add another address line to the search:
Just click More for each additional address line/street name you need to add to your search. You can search by up to 10 street names at a time. Once you have 10 address lines on the search, clicking the More button will do nothing.
Note: there is no way to remove an address line once it has been added. If you have added too many address lines, just leave the extras blank- it will not affect your search. Any additional address lines you add to the search are only going to be present on that one search (unless you change your default search screen to include the new fields you have added). If you close the search and then open up a new search of the same type, the additional address lines will be gone and the search screen will be back to its default.
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