Hit Counters columns

Hit Counters is a Matrix tool designed to help agents gauge the total reach of their listings.  There are a dozen or so columns in the center of the report that contain useful information.  However, sometimes these columns can lead to confusion.

The purpose of this article is to explain what each of these columns means.  We are going to concentrate on the highlighted columns below (note: several columns have been removed from both sides of the report for the purposes of simplifying the image):


  • Client Portals - the number of Matrix Client Portals your listing has reached.  This includes direct emails and Auto Emails.*
  • Client Views - total number of Full Display views by consumers in their Portals.*
  • Client Favorites - the number of consumers that have currently marked your listing as a Favorite in their Portal.*
  • Client Possibilities - the number of consumers that have currently marked your listing as a Possibility in their Portal.*
  • Auto Emails - the total number of Auto Email searches that currently match your listing.*
  • Prev 14 Day Views - the number of times the listing has been viewed in a Matrix Client Portal in the last 14 days.
  • Agent Published - the number of times your listing has come up as a match in an Auto Email set on Concierge Mode and the agent approves it to be sent to their buyer contact.
  • Agent Rejected - the number of times your listing has come up as a match in an Auto Email set on Concierge Mode and the agent has chosen not to approve it to be sent to their buyer contact.

* These figures are re-calculated nightly.

Note: if you hold your mouse cursor over these column headers, it will give you a brief explanation for some (but not all of them).

Related articles :

Hit Counters

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