Search by price in Matrix


On most search screens in Matrix (with the exception of a Rental Search), the price field defaults to include the last three zeroes of the dollar amount:


The means that you are searching in thousands of dollars.  If you have the 000s box checked, do not include the final 3 zeros of your price range.

For example:
With the 000s box checked- enter your price range as 850-1600 to search for listings with a price range of $850,000-$1,600,000.

Without the 000s box checked- enter the full price range of 850000 - 1600000.

If you have the 000s checked and include a range of 850000 - 1600000, you will actually be searching for a price range of $850,000,000 to $1,600,000,000.  Chances are, you will not find much in that range!


You can also just enter a minimum or maximum amount and search for everything above or below.

  • Enter 500+ (with the 000s box checked) to search $500,000 and above.
  • Enter 500- (witht he 000s box checked) to search $500,000 and below.




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