Exclusive Right to Sell vs Exclusive Agency


Exclusive Right to Sell
Shall mean, when applied to a Listing Agreement, a Listing Agreement under which the Listing Broker becomes the sole agent of the Seller and the Seller agrees to pay a commission to the Listing Broker regardless of whether the Listed Property is sold through the efforts of the Listing Broker, the Seller or anyone else.

Exclusive Agency:
Shall mean, when applied to a Listing Agreement, a Listing Agreement under which the Listing Broker becomes the sole agent of the Seller and the Seller agrees to pay a commission to the Listing Broker if the Listed Property is sold through the efforts of any real estate broker. Under an Exclusive Agency Listing, if the Listed Property is sold solely through the efforts of the Seller, the Seller is not obligated to pay a commission to the Listing Broker or any other broker.

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