Export Matrix contacts


You can export Contacts from Matrix for use in another program by going to My Matrix> Contacts and selecting the desired Contacts using the check boxes on the far left side of the screen:



Click the Actions drop down arrow in the upper left hand corner of the Contacts page, then select Export:


Note: there is a limitation within Matrix to keep in mind when selecting contacts to export.  Unfortunately, checked boxes do not stay checked when you move to other pages of contacts.  If you have a lot of contacts in Matrix (to the point where they do not all fit on one page), any that you have selected (using the check box) on the first page will not remain selected when you move to the next page.

To work around this limitation when exporting contacts from Matrix, you must choose one of the following options:

  1. Increase the number of contacts per page (there is a drop down menu in the bottom left that allows you to display 25, 50 or 100 per page).  If you have less than 100 contacts in Matrix, you can bypass this limitation altogether by fitting them all on one page before exporting.


  2. Do a separate export for each page of contacts and then merge them all into one spreadsheet within Excel.

  3. Export all of your contacts at once and then filter them on the spreadsheet in Excel.  You can export all contacts on all pages by just clicking the Bulk Actions button in the upper left corner and clicking Export (you do not need to use any of the check boxes first).

This will create a .csv file (Excel) in your browser:




Simply click on the file to view, rename and save in Excel.

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