The Where are Buyers Coming From and Where are Sellers Going fields appear on the Change to Under Contract and Change to Closed forms in Add/Edit. These fields are optional when marking a listing Under Contract, but they are required when marking a listing Closed:
The information from these fields is for SmartMLS users only and will never be sold or provided to any 3rd party websites, which includes sites like IDX, Homesnap or any consumer portals.
We ask for this information to get a better understanding of our current marketplace. For example, this information was vital at the outset of the Covid pandemic when we were encouraging the Governor's office to keep the Connecticut Real Estate industry designated as an essential business. Being able to provide relocation trend information (such as the number of people moving into and out of the state of CT) played a significant role in getting our industry designated as essential for the state's economy.
Relocation information can also help agents plan marketing strategies, farming campaigns, etc.
*** Relocation information is available to all SmartMLS users, but is not shared with any 3rd party sites, nor is it ever sold to anyone. ***
To access this data, go to Search> Cross Property> Relocation Destinations:
You can also access this search by going to the Matrix Search menu and clicking More at the bottom of the list. On the next screen, go down to the Cross Property section and click Relocation Destinations:
Regardless of how you access the Relocation Destinations search, you will see the following search screen, which allows you to see where sellers are moving and/or where buyers are coming from:
The report that gets generated looks like this:
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