Matrix Stats tab

There are several different ways to search for statistical information within Matrix.  This article highlights how to use the Stats tab in the main menu to search for and display robust statistical analyses of search results.


When you open the Stats search, there are three tabs in the upper left corner:


  • Presets provides access to a handful of default stats searches that have been added to Matrix for all users. These system presets include a historic count of active listings (which shows you the number of listings that were active in the MLS during a given month in the past), List Price/Square Foot Ratio and Sales/List Price Ratio.

  • Customize allows you to get a lot more granular with your statistical searches. You have many more options when it comes to the time frame, statistical categories and display format. Here's a look at all of the different types of stats searches you can run:


  • The Save option allows you to create a saved stats search. This is a good option if there is a specific stats search you run regularly (for instance, a search that covers your specific market or area of expertise). Saving your search is a nice time-saver. You can even set it so your saved stats searches appear in the My Stats widget on the Matrix home page:


After you select your desired statistic, you can then choose the type of chart you would like to represent the data:


Note the Advanced Options link highlighted in the above image. You can use Advanced Options to add a second statistic to your stats chart:


If you choose to add a secondary statistic, you can use the Chart Type drop down menu to select how this data will appear on the chart. You can either choose the same chart type as you did for the original statistic or select a completely different chart type. It is helpful to test out several to see which best (and most clearly) displays the data on the resulting chart.

Use the Group By section to determine how your data and chart are broken down.

After selecting the time frame, statistic(s) and display settings, use the search screen to enter your search criteria (property type, town, price, etc.).

Click Generate when you are done.

Here is an example of a search that is using two statistics (# active listings and # New listings):


Although the results typically display in a chart, you can see the actual numbers that the chart represents either by putting your mouse cursor over the individual bar/point on the graph you are interested in or by clicking the Data tab in the upper right corner:


You can also print the chart and data if you would like.

Related articles :

Matrix Stats searches (Quick Stats vs Stats tab)

Historical search for Active listings

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