If you are looking to find comps (comparable properties) for a property you are possibly going to be listing, the best thing to do is go to the Search tab and open a search for the same property type.
Searching for comps is not an exact science, and people do it many different ways- some prefer to enter a price range during their search, while others prefer to let the comps determine the price range; some prefer to use only recently Closed listings, while others like to include Active and/or recently Expired listings to give a more comprehensive view of the current market.
Fields that are typically used include County, Town, Neighborhood, Style, Square Feet (range), Acres (range), number of Beds and/or Baths.
You may also want to try doing a radius search around your subject property, especially if the neighborhood/section of town has very unique features.
If you find that you are not getting enough results, your search is too specific- you may want to relax some of the criteria, or remove fields completely.
If you're getting too many results, you may want to narrow your criteria or include other fields.
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