Matrix price per square foot calculation


The price per square foot calculations in Matrix CMAs and Stats reports uses the property's Above Grade square footage. This is the figure that the list agent enters when inputting a listing in Matrix.

Initially, when SmartMLS was created, our Matrix system calculated this figure from the property's Total square footage. The decision was made that switching this calculation to work off of the Above Grade field would provide a more representative price per square foot calculation and allow for an easier means to compare properties. For more background on this change, please click here .

Although price per square foot calculations within CMAs and Stats reports will now be based only off the Above Grade square footage field (this cannot be changed), you will still be able to access the old price per square footage ratio fields (those based off the Total square feet) and add them to a search screen, custom single line display or export.

When you go to customize a search or display/export, you will see both the Above grade and Total sqft options.

Here is how it looks when adding the fields to a search screen:



Here is how it looks when adding the fields to a single line display:



Here is how it looks when adding the fields to a custom export:






Related articles :

View price per square foot on listings

Search by price per square foot






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