How to email listings in Matrix


After you have performed your search and selected the listing(s) you would like to email, go to the Actions bar at the bottom of the screen and click the Email button:



You will then see the following window:



  1. Enter your recipient's email address. As you type an address, Matrix will look through the Contacts you have added to the system and display any names or email addresses that match.
  2. If desired, enter any address(es) you would like to receive a copy of this email.
  3. If you would like to add your recipient to Matrix as a new Contact, click Create a New Contact and fill out the form. Click here for more details about adding a Matrix Contact.
  4. Put a check in the box if you would like to receive a blind carbon copy of the email.
  5. If you would like to include one additional display/report type in which your recipient can view the listing(s) (they will automatically be able to switch between several different public-facing displays in the Client Portal), click the Additional link and select the desired display. Note: the Portal displays are similar to, but not exact matches for, the displays you see while you are using Matrix.
  6. Enter a useful, descriptive email subject.
  7. Enter your message in the Email Body field.
  8. If you would like to adjust your email signature, click Edit Your Signature .
  9. Click Send .


Email tips and tricks

  • If you click on either the To: or CC: buttons, you will get a window that allows you to pick your recipients from any Contacts you have already added to Matrix:


  • By default, when you email properties from Matrix, your recipient will be able to view them in a handful of public-facing display formats. None of these displays will include any list broker/agent/office information. Click here for a breakdown of these Portal displays and how clients can switch between them.

  • When emailing from Matrix, you are sending messages from the Matrix email server, not your own personal email account. However, we mask the emails so it appears to your recipient that the email came directly from you. While this strategy is designed to reduce the likelihood that your recipient will ignore/delete your Matrix emails because they do not recognize the sender, masking emails is considered to be suspicious activity and increases the chances that email spam filters divert your emails from your recipients Inbox into a spam/junk folder.

  • Click here for information on viewing any emails you have sent through Matrix.

  • There is an Unsubscribe link at the bottom of all Matrix emails. If your recipient clicks this link, you will not be able to send them any more emails from Matrix until they opt back into receiving Matrix emails. Here are the steps they need to go through in order to opt back in.

  • There is no resend feature for regular Matrix emails, but there is a workaround that allows you to recreate an email you've sent, including the message and listings. Click here for instructions.

  • There is a resend feature for the initial email that gets sent out when you create an auto email. Click here to learn how to set up an auto email, and here to learn how to resend the Welcome Email for a new auto email.



Related articles :

Set up an Auto Email

Matrix email links

Contact not getting Matrix emails

What reports/displays are sent when emailing from Matrix?


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